Brite, Casner, Kokernot Camp is one of several camps in Bloys Campmeeting Association, but it is a separate non-profit entity. This site informs members of needed information and is a secure site to donate to the cook shed to cover costs of food, cook shed employees and maintenance of the cook shed building and equipment.
Additionally, If you’re not on our mailing list or wish to update your information for camp records, please use the form at the bottom of this website.
Please do NOT use this site for donating to the Bloys Camp Meeting Association for camp infrastructure and maintenance of the grounds. Please make that payment directly to the Bloys Campmeeting Association.
Ken Beasley – President
Raphael White-Woodward – Treasurer
Nancy Pawelka – Secretary
Board Members
Ken Beasley
Nancy Pawelka
Richard Gates
Susan Archer Chiarito
Richard Webb
Bloys Executive Committee Representatives
Richard Gates
Hester White
Grounds Committee
Mo Morrow
Cuatro White
Jim White
Cookshed Operations
Jim White
Cuatro White
Tuesday, August 5, 2025: 136th Campmeeting begins.
Bloys Caretaker – Lance Rose: office 432-426-3375; cell 915-491-0928
Mail check donations to:
BCK Camp
POB 36
Alpine, Texas, 79831
To securely donate by debit or credit card click the button below.
Use the form to:
Add/update email info
Provide feedback